Disbasing Zen Stories
2023-09-15 08:01:23 UTC
Zen Falsely Deifies The Self +
[posted to alt.zen]
Falsely deifying human beings ... in the case of the idolaters (like Pantheists and Catholics) and believers in a manGod+Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah like Jesus and the Trinity, and of course Zen At War which falsely deifies the self while adulterating and plagiarizing the true teaching and the Buddha's good name ("The hand that holds the sword is the Buddha's hand" - D.T. Suzuki explaining away the Asian Holocaust crimes against humanity - but that's OK: he apologized post-war ;) ... that is one set of things that always leads to war.
The practice of the Lotus Sutra by the non-idolater followers of Nichiren Daishonin in the SGI, leads the other way. This is why Zen has always had it in for us: we're anti-war and anti-nuclear weapons, too.
Zen IS War in it's essence, spreading the void to others, a death cult. All the martial arts are based on Zen. I could go on, and have in this newsgroup, extensively.
LS Chap. 16 .....
All harbor thoughts of yearning
and in their minds thirst to gaze at me.
When living beings have become truly faithful,
honest and upright, gentle in intent,
single-mindedly desiring to see the Buddha
not hesitating even if it costs them their lives,
then I and the assembly of monks
appear together on Holy Eagle Peak.
At that time I tell the living beings
that I am always here, never entering extinction,
but that because of the power of an expedient means
at times I appear to be extinct, at other times not,
and that if there are living beings in other lands
who are reverent and sincere in their wish to believe,
then among them too
I will preach the unsurpassed Law.
[posted to alt.zen]
On Sat, 2 Apr 2022 23:26:07 -0700 (PDT), Disbasing Zen Stories
Definitely NOT.
Sure, I could see that.
they want to incorporate everything into their worldview, not accept the consquences
of the view or commitment.
No, that's not it, I don't even mind that of the countless series of distortions that is the history of Zen, his "psychosis" theories are just mindlessly boring and deluded, I could care less.
What I mind is that he presents some kind of a pacified view of Zen that has washed away the endless rivers of blood and misery caused by Zen over the centuries.
Watt's own mentor, D.T. Suzuki is revealed as a cheerleader for the Zen Pacific War (the Asian Holocaust, etc.) by Tojo and his Zen War criminal pals, as revealed by "Zen at War", written by a Zen priest (don't buy it and make that evil cause, check it out from the library or use your local library website to check it out using LINK+ from another regional library.)
Check it out, literally.
Yes, japanese zen is guilty of this, so is german catholicism during
ww ii. And now russian orthodox concerning ukriane. This is a fairly
universal fault of religions. Perhaps they think it would be better
to flatter the insanity of the moment and let ancient religions
persist after relative sanity returns. That works, but religions
loose the moral right to persist when they do that. It turns out that
they have nothing to offer the suffering masses.
Not that watt had much to offer either. You are the universe
wiggling (or something it is doing right now). Stuff like that. It
is a realization of a sort, but the universe already knew that.
Noah Sombrero
Regarding the statement "This is a fairly universal fault of religions." That's a falsehood.Toxic Zen Story #24: Stanford Zen: Alan Watts and Zen-TV on KQED National Educational
So do you admire Alan Watts or not?-Chas.
they want to incorporate everything into their worldview, not accept the consquences
of the view or commitment.
What I mind is that he presents some kind of a pacified view of Zen that has washed away the endless rivers of blood and misery caused by Zen over the centuries.
Watt's own mentor, D.T. Suzuki is revealed as a cheerleader for the Zen Pacific War (the Asian Holocaust, etc.) by Tojo and his Zen War criminal pals, as revealed by "Zen at War", written by a Zen priest (don't buy it and make that evil cause, check it out from the library or use your local library website to check it out using LINK+ from another regional library.)
Check it out, literally.
ww ii. And now russian orthodox concerning ukriane. This is a fairly
universal fault of religions. Perhaps they think it would be better
to flatter the insanity of the moment and let ancient religions
persist after relative sanity returns. That works, but religions
loose the moral right to persist when they do that. It turns out that
they have nothing to offer the suffering masses.
Not that watt had much to offer either. You are the universe
wiggling (or something it is doing right now). Stuff like that. It
is a realization of a sort, but the universe already knew that.
Noah Sombrero
Falsely deifying human beings ... in the case of the idolaters (like Pantheists and Catholics) and believers in a manGod+Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah like Jesus and the Trinity, and of course Zen At War which falsely deifies the self while adulterating and plagiarizing the true teaching and the Buddha's good name ("The hand that holds the sword is the Buddha's hand" - D.T. Suzuki explaining away the Asian Holocaust crimes against humanity - but that's OK: he apologized post-war ;) ... that is one set of things that always leads to war.
The practice of the Lotus Sutra by the non-idolater followers of Nichiren Daishonin in the SGI, leads the other way. This is why Zen has always had it in for us: we're anti-war and anti-nuclear weapons, too.
Zen IS War in it's essence, spreading the void to others, a death cult. All the martial arts are based on Zen. I could go on, and have in this newsgroup, extensively.
LS Chap. 16 .....
All harbor thoughts of yearning
and in their minds thirst to gaze at me.
When living beings have become truly faithful,
honest and upright, gentle in intent,
single-mindedly desiring to see the Buddha
not hesitating even if it costs them their lives,
then I and the assembly of monks
appear together on Holy Eagle Peak.
At that time I tell the living beings
that I am always here, never entering extinction,
but that because of the power of an expedient means
at times I appear to be extinct, at other times not,
and that if there are living beings in other lands
who are reverent and sincere in their wish to believe,
then among them too
I will preach the unsurpassed Law.