wow... so check this out gang... FBI...
(too old to reply)
Tim Harris
2022-03-15 08:31:40 UTC
as i said previously... kicked me out at -50 last february without cause or reason... suspended me without pay last november... due to covid mandates... which... how stupid are these facist assholes here in canada's arctic?...

without a policy... they can not make or enforce mandates... with a policy... they must fullfil all terms in that policy before the can make or enforce mandates... of which... the policy said... vaccinations and/or regular testing... seems someone forgot to order rapid testing kits... then fired people like myself who have little or no exposure to the public and work essentially alone... they are only hiding behind beauracracy... so they wouldn't have to pay out holiday pay... i am not being selfish here... they eliminated about 1/3 of their work force... on government funded projects where the standard take the funding then provide minimal service is the name of the game...

suspended... without pay... in november... until i got my shots... next clinic... in january... then they did it again to the 61 year old woman i was renting the basement from right before christmas... then got ripped off by another alcholic who raised the rent every two weeks... locked me out the second i was out the door and immediately demanded payment to get my belongings...

so i ran out of savings on february 11... kicked out again... stole all my belongs... no one did anything to help... not even rcmp...

so after another night outside at -50... i go to the hospital... on the mental health angle... is this how they treat people with mental illness?... apparently yes...

they set me up with a shot... end of february (24th)... and say two months... april... then a booster... just so i can go back to work... but the gnwt refuses to say i am layed off or even quit... to not pay the holiday pay and banked hours which i needed for food and shelter...

where am i now?... the emergency homeless shelter... where they play head games... they gave me a job... but bring up going back to my old job... they say that since they can not find a place for me... and since i do nights... i can stay at the shelter during the day... then they make me feel uncomfortable about being here...

then it is get your license, get your id... renew your health card... get a phone... all of which require a permanent address... out of a controlled income... of which it will take at least 3 months to pull together damage deposit and first months rent... these people are insane... then its... you got paid... buy your own food and stop eating shelter food... there's no place to cook... so everything is take out or unhealthy...

and the best part... one week away from a funding application deadline... the gnwt... environment and resources... which i was suspended without pay from... sends me the request and forms to fill out to get a $50,000 funding opportunity... which i will never see... how fucking stupid are these people?...

3 years of working full time... no benefits... paying my way without government support or subsidies... and for the government to boot... trying to find me a place to stay when there is none... these clowns the gnwt are paying to get people suitable housing... these facilitators print stuff off the internet and demand clients do the work... and when they run out of forms for you to fill in... they make more forms... i have been here since february... filled out three different kinds of forms... for the same assisted housing opportunity...

but all i need... is a place to rent... apparently there is something available for may 1st...

just sayin... i withhold the fact that at this rate... this town has less than 2 years before 80% of the people here will no longer be able to afford to live here... not be able to afford as in... rents and mortgage not paid... bills passed due... and empty fridges... apparently we are both having trouble taking the hint...

that i am honored to be in line to destroy these assholes... since i can not say Jews... but the line up was longer than me and i am sure there are entire families in line ahead of me... for that day when we can drag these tyrants and wannabe regimists out into the streets at -50 for a proper lynching...

seriously gang... kicking this entire town out is all i can think about... so if it is possible... tell the sinners... that until i recoop my loses... about $20,000 they can take their bullshit to someone that hasnt read tom sawyer...

waiting for the system to fail me one more time... have already began training the locals on how to get this shit done... apparently jail... welfare... apartment and food is how we get it done here...

just sayin... ever tried to use dark magic on someone with no attachments?... thats how stupid you sound to me... dont make me enlighten... "them"...

Tim Harris
2022-03-15 08:49:14 UTC
now?... their "computer guy"... he sets up emails for clients... using the shelter as default... total hack and violation of privacy... since all they have to do is switch accounts to read the clients email... ikr?... there is no way to log out or log in... open gmail... the shelter is the default... you can only switch accounts which do not require a log in... and you cant log it out... then they get a new phone... which they want me to access my old facebook and email account... or... just set up a new one... so i can talk to the guy who has a place for rent... how fucking stupid are these assholes... total identity theft is what it is... in a place notorious for missing and murdered... they say you can use the phone its here for me... but then they read messages and take phone caller ids... i know this... and use it... but clients dont... these clowns do not know the difference between mental health crisis and thus everyone that comes in with mental health issues and disorders are rated from 1-5... on their... intoxication... level... how sad is that?... and food is denied as punishment for being intoxicated... or mentally ill... then... even if the client complies... sitting quietly... staff start provoking them to trigger an outburst... for which they are kicked out... of the emergency shelter... at -50... even the rcmp ask permission to drop people off citing that it is the clients belief that they are banned... yes banned... from the shelter...

and the best part?... anyone that calls... be it for a doctors appointment... or a reference of any sort... speaks to the very same people that are abusing clients... again... re rcmp hay river detachment... am i exaggerating?...

Tim Harris
2022-03-15 09:15:39 UTC
they run this place like they are bouncing a bar... just sayin gang... there is a reason why 45,000 people in 33 communities have a violent crime rate three times the national average here... they force people into crime... it makes no sense to these... J... assholes... that it costs $50000 a year to incarcerate... $2000 a day to institutionalize or hospitalize... $12,000 per person on welfare (which is money that goes back into the economy).... but they can not even handle the costs to run an emergency shelter of a dozen of so clients... non-stop pressure when they know full well there is no place to go... targeting guys like walter... everyone shits on this guy nonstop... they think it is fun... i am glad they feel that way about it for the grand table turning is fast at hand...

so i let them know... one road in... one power line in... one rail in... the road blows at the culverts... chainsaws to the power poles... and pull some railway spikes to take out the train... right before the bridge and you get the bridge and cut off the only airport too... a night of smashing windows is a economic crisis that they will not get up from... and all this can be done by one guy... in one night... and i kick the whole town out... and that gets me in jail where... well... like i said... who do you want me to enlighten?...

"let the town burn... i need the hours"... savvy?... just watched that forest fire fighting movie "only the brave"... about the granite mountain firefighters... love the P2 reference... thats what i have... see how they treat those heros there?... here?... most of them are fighting hard core addictions and/or are in jail... the townsfolk... shit all over these guys... treat them like bums and bodies to fill out their bullshit programs...

